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Breaking the silence when things has changed ....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

And thus the silence is broken.

The last year has been very stormy for me. It has been sharp turns and bright changes. I no longer hold a positions as an instructor at the training company Cornerstone but have moved my daily work to Sogeti (a Cap Gemini company) where I now worke as an architect consultant.

This is a very positive change and I'm very happy.

With this change I'm also moving my blog to another platform (this I built myself when I learned NHibernate 4-5 years or so ago). So anyone interested in my new entries, move your feeds subscriptions to  and your browser favorite to http://blog.lowendahl.net

This is where I will put up my new posts. I have yet to decide what to do with my old posts, they will survive in some form.

Well head over, I'm going there now adding a post, see you there.



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