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INETA and User Groups in Sweden Saturday, March 24, 2007

Since a while back now I've taken over as responsible for INETA user groups in Sweden. In practice that means that I am the contact person for current user groups and user groups that  want to set up shop around Sweden with INETA's help.

INETA is a non-profit organization who's only goal is to help user groups out. Things they can help out with range from general practice when setting a user group up to sending a speaker to your group from the Speakers Bureau. To get more information about INETA, please visit (http://europe.ineta.org/).

In Sweden there is currently three groups that have regular meetings, Gothenburg, Stockholm (www.swenug.com currently Gothenburg and Stockholm share this)  and Malmoe (http://cs.snug.se/).  But coming months we are looking at setting up at least two new groups, one in Örebro and one in Linköping. If you live in one of thees two cities and want to join or help us get the groups going, pleas email me or put a comment down on this post.

That goes for all that wants to speak or help out in any of the user groups, contact me or the local groups and they will happily set you up with a slot for a talk or with some work that has to be done.

If you live in a city that doesn't have a group and you want to start one, don hesitate to contact me and I will help you out with resources, materials and support to get you going.

One of INETA Sweden's current projects is to get a Community Server up and running so additionally to all the other help you can get, we will be able to give you a web platform for your group.

For any additional questions or comments please send me an email.


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