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What is a "Trainer" and do they have any real Life experience? Wednesday, May 07, 2008

In my day job my title, most days, says "Instructor" or "Trainer". The last couple of weeks I've gotten really fed up with the attitude from some, far from all, uninitiated people on what me and my colleagues actually do for a living. Comments like, "trainers have no real-life experience" and "isn't a consultant really the better trainer then someone hired as a full time trainer?" really annoys me.

So I would like to explain what it means to be an Instructor for Sweden's largest Certified Learning Center and counter both those very common misunderstandings.

"Trainers have no real-life experience"
This is one of the most irritating misunderstandings in my line of work. The one where we as trainers should be some kind of theoretical person that never wrote a single line of production code or never been in a real project. Let's think for a moment, would anyone of the readers in this blog think that someone without real-life experience could teach you particular much? Most would say no, heck I would say no. Yes some things for certain, but building insight and competence, not at all.

So how can I even last a day at this job, and if I might say even get some rep, if I don't have any "real-life" experience.We just concluded that developers tend to not listen to that particular kind of trainers?

Because this is  a misconception of the trainer role.

As a trainer I work constantly to enhance teams to do better and to break new technology barriers. One of the tools to do that is "class-room training", the pedagogic model we use is far different from the grade-school type but it is still in a "class-room". This is only one of many tools we use, we also use team coaching and mentoring where we bring specialist competence into "real life" live projects. Another tool is to inject oneself inside a customers projects like troubleshooters or concept-developers for project startups, helping to start up "real-life" projects.

In addition, since our goal is put 60% of our time into our core business of building competence for teams and developers, we got a lot of time to sit down and crunch interesting problems, learn new technologies and find challenges that will build our own competence further.

We're also very passionate about the things we teach, the average trainer has a lot more passion for their topic then the average developer. Passion is what drives us to want to share with every other developer how great our technology or methodology really is. With passion comes the will to get really deep knowledge and hands-on experience. So if you disregard the work we do with customers, you will find most of us working on some kind of pet-project in our spare time.

All in all, we touch projects, code and real challenges on an almost daily basis while still having time to work on developing our own competence and deepen our knowledge of the technology we're supposed to be experts in.

That is why developers really do listen to us trainers.


"isn't a consultant really the better trainer then someone hired as a full time trainer?"
This assumption probably springs from the first one, that consultants do "real-work" and therefor should have more value to spread. Now that myth I think I just crushed, we trainers do real development work constantly.

But I would like to take it one step further and say that while some consultants could be really good trainers, "full-time" trainers has the opportunity to become excellent trainers.

To begin with we touch far more types of projects and sees the methods and technology we're supposed to be experts on in many more types of environments and challenges. This gives us a unique understanding and broad insight of the challenges with our methods and technology; which the average consultant seldom gets, they are usually stuck in the same kind of project for years.

But there is another advantage, our job is to train so therefor our companies invest heavy in training for us (we know the value of evolving a persons competence, it's what we do), and not just technical training but also training in how to effectively help others evolve.

With the training companies investing in training our skills for pedagogy, presentation, coaching, mentoring techniques, team building combined with our daily execution of those skills in real-life. Consultants will have a hard time to keep up in being as efficient when it comes to building competence's, their focus is to be as good as they can on their type of work, where training is often a sidebar.

Again, I know some great trainers that are consultants, all of who regularly works on the skills listed above, but working for a training company you will get the company backing your every step to acquire and deepen those skills and the possibility to focus on being excellent in building competence in others.


More information on pedagogy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogic

More information on Microsoft Certified Trainers: https://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/mct/default.mspx

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Anniversary for my WCF / WF Course! Thursday, September 20, 2007

I just realized that I've passed 100 trained students for .NET Framework 3.0 (Well WCF and WF anyway) a while ago :) And this in less then a year's time! W*F is really getting picked up by the developer community in Sweden.

I'm currently delivering my T354-Building Enterprise Applications with WCF and Workflow Foundation (http://www.cornerstone.se/course/showcourse.aspx?CNO=COUR2007022614140800932048) and with these students I've run way past the 100 mark. I should buy ice cream :P

I have two more open classes this year and some on-site training, with some luck I'll get pass the 150 mark as well. If you're interested in helping me pass that historical mark I'll be in Gothenburg 3rd of October and in Stockholm 5th of December.

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Kick-Off 2007 Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Sweden it's tradition for IT companies to have some kind of kick-off activity to start a new year. Our fiscal year ends in June so our kick-off was scheduled for August and we went to Lisbon, Portugal. The thing with kick-offs is that we get to break out of our daily routines and discuss things that we normally don't have the time to do. This year was no exception. Even though we only had 4 hours of conference for the whole weekend (thu-sun), and part of that time Microsoft presented (thanks to Peter and Eva for a great insightful presentation), we got a lot of new ideas and a couple of really interesting projects and initiatives was initiated.

I think these kind of social interactions and events are vital to stimulate communication between teams that normally don't interact in their day-to-day work, or do so but in a set of processes designed by someone else. By letting teams meet outside of the processes and do something else outside of work and take them outside of the box, they will easily think out of the box.

Here I think that the environment is really important. To be effective in the kind of social interaction and think tank, we need to be outside of our normal environment where day to day doesn't make it self reminded all the time.

I think that this is a practice we should utilize in even small contexts. Like sending the sales team and the development team to some nice spa or send the it-department with accounting to some team building. By focusing and limiting the effort to two teams, the interaction and effect will be even stronger.

Some really great ideas that was plaited by competencies from two totally unrelated departments was born on the sail boat we went out with. I'm not sure if these ideas ever would have been born on any other place or activity.

To conclude, interaction is good I think everyone agrees on that. But I would like to take it one step further and plan for isolated interaction in environments that aren't work related with clear goals on sharing ideas and helping each other with refining them. Sometimes the skill and competency to figure out that last little detail comes from a very unexpected direction.

The boat? Well 4 mast sail boat, that was really nice:

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Solely Knowledge is not competence Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Disclaimer: Before you read on, know that I'm working for a training company and the following could be considered bias. But also know that most of the opinions here come from years of experience in developing people's skill sets and helping them get more competent at what they do.

For the last 7 years I've been working as an instructor in one form or the other. First couple of years as a consultant for training companies and the last couple of years hired at Sweden's largest CPLS (training company for IT Pros and Developers) Cornerstone. Moving from consultant to instructor has been a long journey, much like going from a programmer to a system developer. The journey has been in understanding the essence of competence and learning how to move instill competency in people. One of the greater plateaus on the road has been that of separating knowledge and competence, to separate the notion that you know a thing or about a thing and that you know how to use it and understands what it is for.

Knowledge is something that I can get by reading a book or an article on internet. But to get the thorough understanding of the subject and the ability to put that knowledge into a context and title myself competent in the same subject I need something else.

I need experience!

Experience is really hard to come by, every company I know that are hiring system developers is looking for it and it is usually measured in years. Every year of experience is worth its weight in some really expensive natural resource. It is usually worth more than any formal education (although employers require you to have a degree of some sort) and even your salary will be based on your experience.

Does experience guarantee knowledge, I would argue it doesn't. Does experience guarantee competence, probably not?

Competence is the combination of knowledge, experience and skill sets. It's a package deal where you need all three to get the full package. And it's a sweet package deal; everyone wants colleagues and employees that are competent because they usually excel at their jobs.

Now if we all agree that competence is the cream on the cake, why doesn't the requirement for competence make it out of the wanted ads and inside the departments?

Let me discuss two common scenarios.  

The "Do it aloneers":

More often than not I run into companies that state that:

 "We do all competence development in-house, my employees usually surfs the web and I let them buy books that they read on their own time and we believe in competence transfer between peers".

 Even though that statement is one of the better I've heard (I have some horror stories, buy me beer and I will tell you), it is really horrific. When it comes to hiring competence is what matters; but as soon as the papers are signed it seems that creating knowledge is enough. Instead of making sure that the employee develops competences effectively, the employee gets knowledge from a book and are pretty much left alone to move the knowledge into competence. The competence value given from the book read will be influenced by what the individual makes out of it, what projects he/she applies the knowledge on and what skill sets are acquired in the process.

The "Conference goers":

Another common statement is:

"My employees get to go to conferences once a year and we have some internal seminars"

This is a much better approach, at conferences and seminars the speakers usually creates a greater understanding for the subject and the ability to ask questions and discuss the topic with someone already competent is invaluable. But conferences and seminars will still only give you part of the package deal, you will not get the competence of the speaker only the knowledge that he/she shares at that specific time.

Conferences and seminars are great as a source for inspiration, energy boost and new ideas, but making you more competent it will not.

Both scenarios, and variation of the two, are very common and the problem is similar. By letting the individual be on his/her own you will always get individual results. There is no way to ensure ROI or even expect any further competence being developed during the years the employee is hired at your company. Some will do great and excel, while others will stop in their personal development and will not move forward with the company they work for.

Would the same employers hire inexperienced self-taught employees rather than someone as inexperienced but with formal degree from a college or university? Most wouldn't. For a good reason.

Achieving competence

They key to successfully achieve competence is to train in the skill you are trying to get. If you where to compete in ju-jitsu, you wouldn't just read a book on the subject (there are several really good ones) you would also train in the techniques the book covers to get experience in using them. You would train, a lot, before you entered that competition. The same should be true for any other skill (competence) you plan to use out in the wild.

So how do I make sure I train effectively? In ju-jitsu it is possible to train on your own. But to improve and to become awesome you need feedback and suggestions on improvements from someone, an instructor, who understands what you are trying to do. An Instructor that is skilled in the art of teaching. Which in addition to give you feedback on what you currently are doing includes giving you drills and exercises that challenges your current ability and sets you on the right path to achieve the skill (competence) you are after. If ju-jitsu is the skill I'm after I usually find one of these instructors in a dojo, a facility created and designed to be as effective as possible for learning, packed with equipment that will further enhance the effectiveness of the training. He will probably not conduct the training in your home with your children running around you, or at your work place with your everyday tasks stealing your attention.

 What does that mean for other, less physical and more technical skills, where is the technical dojo and instructor?

There is basically four ways to conduct technical training, each with its pros and cons. I will talk briefly about them here and elaborate on each of them later on. 


With mentoring I don't mean a senior person that answers your questions, I mean a mentor that will work with you to develop your competence that like a ju-jitsu instructor will challenge you and give you tasks and exercises to complete in addition to give you feedback. A mentor will help you acquire knowledge by pointing you in the right direction and he/she will know how to help you convert that knowledge into competence. You still do a lot of the heavy lifting yourself, but the mentor will make sure that you stay on the right path and will throw a rock or two on the road ahead to keep you on your toes.

Classroom training

In classroom training you go to the instructor's dojo to learn. You will probably be there with other peers trying to get the same competence as you do, he will have a pre-prepared training program which combines teaching of knowledge with hands on experience and development of skill sets to get you that sweet package deal. A skilled classroom instructor will make sure that you leave his classroom with not only the knowledge of the subject but also the competence or at least some essence of competence.

 Workshops / hands-on

A workshop is much like classroom training; you got the instructors and his dojo. But for a workshop the focus is on acquiring the experience and skill sets to accompany knowledge you already got. With pre-prepared exercises the instructor will help you convert that knowledge to experience. Much like a sparring session in a ju-jitsu dojo, there is not much theory just some feedback on what you are doing.

 Blended learning

Blended learning is something in between. It combines the ideas of mentoring with the ideas of either classroom training or workshops with a lot of self study. The idea is to mix some training in the dojo with exercises and reading on your own which you will get feedback on the next time you meet in the dojo. Executed right it will get the benefits from mentoring, self-study and classroom training.

 There might be others (I've left out e-learning for a reason, I would like to get back on that later) but these are what I have seen work and does give effective results. The essence for all four of them is the mix of theoretical knowledge with experience of using the knowledge in a context. That will instill competence.

The question is, would you go up or send your employee into the ju-jitsu competition without proper training? Or to put a more business touch on it, would you give a book about building cars to the guy you hired to build your car factory or would you like him to have done it at least once before? Or to put it a bit closer at home, would you like to pay a guy that has seen someone else fix a bathroom to fix yours?

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Shameless sales plug Monday, February 26, 2007

Today my Course on WCF and WF was announced at Cornerstones website:


The focus of the course is to build services that communicate with WCF and flow with WF.

Also we'll be hosting a 2 day introductory WPF course, instructor for that one is yet to be announced. Check in at http://www.cornerstone.se/course/showcourse.aspx?CNO=COUR2007022614070704649470 to get the latest about that course.

See you there perhaps ;)


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Resources from the Vista Certification Workshop Thursday, December 28, 2006

Two weeks before christmas I deliverad a workshop for Microsoft ISVs looking to Certify their applictaions on the Vista plattform. Attached to this post are most of the demo files from that workshop.

Attached file: VistaCertification.zip
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Blended learning Monday, April 04, 2005
From time to time again I run into the term "blended learning". It has many advocates, Microsoft being one of them.

Basically blended learning is a training form where you mix instructor lead sessions with other forms of training, like self paced study or e-learning.

A common scenario is for an instructor to kick-off a course with one or two days of training followed up with self paced studying for a couple of weeks before the next instructor lead session with some Q&A around the self study bit mixed with new content.

Does this work? In an ideal world, yes! But this is often implemented in a real world :)

Let's examine the rational behind blended learning and see how it will fit into a real world:

Rational: Letting people study in their own pace at their own time will help them understand content better.
In the real world: While this is true in some learning scenarios we need to be aware that in most people need some kind of motivation to actually sit down and do the studying. If the learner has low or no interest in the subject, the motivational force needs to be a strong and positive one.
Also we need to take in account what the content is competing with.

Is the learner in midlife with a family to take care of? Does the learner have a hectic work environment?

For this rational to really kick-off, the learner need scheduled hours where no other distraction is allowed. To fulfill this, we often need to take hours off from work and do the studying on work-hours. I think most of you will see the challenge with that.

Rational: The learning will be associated with a smaller cost then using only instructor lead sessions
In the real world: This is true. It's true if you only look at the figures associated directly with the invoice from the training company, but there are other factors we need to consider.

A professional trainer uses pedagogy methods to maximize training and makes sure that learning is taking place. These skills are not as developed with most learners, which are left to just read some text and try to figure out the bits themselves. This means that even though you actually lowered the direct costs, you will pay with less effective training and a much steeper learning curve.

Also as I stated earlier; to make sure this work, we need scheduled hours and that is most defiantly associated with some kind of cost to the learners company.

Is this all bad?
No I don't think so. As long as we have these points in mind and make sure that we create an environment for the learner so they can succeed in their self studying, this can be a real effective method of learning.

I usually suggest this recipe to make the best out of learning:

1) Create study groups that meet up every week. Let the study group meet partly on business hours (like 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm).

2) Make sure the group has a leader, preferably the person with the highest natural motivation for the content. Make sure this leader recieves extra motivation for this effort.

3) Use carrots.

4) Be very clear on what should be accomplished every week.

5) Make sure there's a hot line between the group leader and the instructor.

6) Communicate, the trainer need to check the progress every week to be able to react on problems, increase / decrease pace or send extra material if needed.

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