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Unconference in Stockholm

Monday, September 15, 2008

This Saturday was the first unconference with ALT.NET Swedish chapter. We met in Avega's offices right smack in the middle of Stockholm and facilitated by Joakim Sundén. The event draw 30 or so participants all with one treat in common; we want to make the best of our daily work on the .NET platform. In doing so, looking outside the box (read product catalogue from Microsoft) to find the best solution for every scenario is something we all value.

It's was a great way to spend a Saturday :) I got some pictures up here: https://lowendahl.net/gallery/listImages.aspx?path=Unconference+-08 

There where loads of great discussions and sadly I could only make it to four of them.

The first one I facilitated myself and my thoughts about that is somewhat summarized here: Being Agile about SOA.

The second one I attended was on MVC in the web space which was facilitated by Torkel. I'm not a web developer, but the ideas behind MVC and the openness around the project was very much agreed to be a good move from Microsoft. Most that attended the talk had interest in building applications based on the MVC framework that Microsoft is putting forward, but I got the feeling that nobody wanted to be first :). One of the key pain points raised around the current implementation of the MVC framework is that of third party controls that encapsulate a lot of desired functionality in a single component. All of us are very curious on how that market will look like.

The third talk was about services, DDD and WCF and mostly about whether or not to duplicate the domain model on both the server side and client side. I got a lot of interesting angles and feedback on some ideas I have that I'm trying to put down for an article and will be presenting on Öredev about; http://www.oredev.se/topmenu/program/trackarchitecture/patriklowendahl.4.3efb083311ac562f9fe80007019.html

The fourth talk I attended was on BDD. I'll be making a separate post on that, as well as for the fifth: OO RIP?

I hope to see more unconference's in Stockholm in the future and I hope to see you all there :)



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