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SQL Server Enumerator class
Patrik Löwendahl - cshrp.net team

This little utility class uses an API from the NetAPI32.DLL to look for SQL Servers who are broadcasting on the Local Area Network. The API in question is the NetServerEnum.

Look at MSDN for a complete reference of the API.

The constructor uses some intermediate COM interop techniques to pull the information from the unmanaged world into managed struct objects.

Download the code here.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace cshrp.utilities
   /// SQL Enumerator class. 
   /// A collection class which contains entries for all
   /// SQL servers on the network
   public class SQLEnum : IEnumerable, IDisposable
      // Enumeration to hold type of servers
      internal enum SvType
         WORKSTATION   = 0x00000001,
         SERVER    = 0x00000002,
         SQLSERVER   = 0x00000004,
         DOMAIN_CTRL   = 0x00000008,
         DOMAIN_BAKCTRL  = 0x00000010,
         TIME_SOURCE   = 0x00000020,
         AFP     = 0x00000040,
         NOVELL    = 0x00000080,
         DOMAIN_MEMBER  = 0x00000100,
         PRINTQ_SERVER  = 0x00000200,
         DIALIN_SERVER  = 0x00000400,
         XENIX_SERVER  = 0x00000800,
         NT     = 0x00001000,
         WFW     = 0x00002000,
         SERVER_MFPN   = 0x00004000,
         SERVER_NT   = 0x00008000,
         POTENTIAL_BROWSER = 0x00010000,
         BACKUP_BROWSER  = 0x00020000,
         MASTER_BROWSER  = 0x00040000,
         DOMAIN_MASTER  = 0x00080000,
         SERVER_OSF   = 0x00100000,
         SERVER_VMS   = 0x00200000,
         WINDOWS    = 0x00400000,
         DFS     = 0x00800000,
         CLUSTER_NT   = 0x01000000,
         TERMINALSERVER  = 0x02000000,
         CLUSTER_VS_NT  = 0x04000000,
         DCE     = 0x10000000,
         ALTERNATE_XPORT  = 0x20000000,
         LOCAL_LIST_ONLY  = 0x40000000,
         DOMAIN_ENUM   = unchecked( (int) 0x80000000 ),
         ALL     = unchecked( (int) 0xFFFFFFFF )

   // Struct for the server information, will be 
   // marshaled from the unmanaged world of life
   [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
   internal struct SERVER_INFO_101
      public Int32 Id;
      public string Name;
      public Int32 VerMaj;
      public Int32 VerMin;
      public SvType Typ;
      public string Comment;

   // NetServerEnum API call to enumerat servers on
   // the network
   [DllImport("Netapi32", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling=true)]
   private static extern int NetServerEnum( string servername, Int32 level, 
      out IntPtr bufptr, Int32 prefmaxlen, out Int32 entriesread, out Int32 totalentries, 
      SvType servertype, string domain, IntPtr resume_handle );
   // Releases the buffer created on the Unmanaged heap.
   [DllImport("netapi32.dll", ExactSpelling=true)]
   private extern static int NetApiBufferFree( IntPtr bufptr );

   // Constant to hold the error messge "more data"
   // indicates that the enumeration was partially 
   // successful but more data could be retrieved.
   private const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;

   private SqlServer[] _servers;

   /// Creates an instance of the SQLEnum class
   /// and fills it with servers currently broadcasting
   /// on the network
   public SQLEnum()
      int read;
      int total;
      int status;

      // Pointer to the unmanaged world.
      IntPtr ptr; 

      // Information about the struct.
      Type type = typeof( SERVER_INFO_101 );
      int size = Marshal.SizeOf( type );
      SERVER_INFO_101 si;
      // Call the API and fill the unmanaged buffer with Server_Info_101 structs.
      // Asks only for servers broadcasting SQL Server instances(SvType.SQLSERVER)
      status = NetServerEnum( null, 101, out ptr, -1, 
      out read, out total, SvType.SQLSERVER, null, IntPtr.Zero );

      // Make sure that the API call was successful.
      if((status != 0) && (status != ERROR_MORE_DATA)) 
         // Leave, somtehing blew up.
         _servers = new SqlServer[read];

         int tmpPtr = (int)ptr;
         for(int i = 0; i < read; i++ )
            // Marshal the data from the unmanaged world of life to an instance of
            // Server_Info_101 managed struct on the stack.
            si = (SERVER_INFO_101)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)tmpPtr, type );

            // Create a new instance of the SqlServer information class.
            _servers[i] = new SqlServer(si);

            //Move to beginning of next struct in the buffer
            tmpPtr += size;

         // Release the unmanaged buffer.
         ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

   /// Number of servers in the collection
   public int Lenght
            return _servers.Length;
            return 0;

   // Returns a object with the IEnumerator
   // interface attached to it. 
   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
      return new ServerEnumerator(_servers);            

   // Dispose this object.
   public void Dispose()
      _servers = null;  
   // Indexer to access the SqlServer objects
   // directly.
   public SqlServer this[int item]
         if(item < this.Lenght -1)
            return _servers[item];
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

   public struct SqlServer
      SQLEnum.SERVER_INFO_101 _serverinfo;
      internal SqlServer(SQLEnum.SERVER_INFO_101 info)
         _serverinfo = info;

      /// Name of Sql Server
      public string Name
         get{ return _serverinfo.Name; }
   //Enumerator class used when iterating through the collection
   //Hidden from intellisense
   public class ServerEnumerator : IEnumerator
      private SqlServer[] g_Servers;
      private int Index;

      internal ServerEnumerator(SqlServer[] Servers)
         g_Servers = Servers;
         Index = -1;

      public void Reset()
         Index = -1;

      public object Current
            if ((Index < 0) || (Index == g_Servers.Length)) 
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
            return g_Servers[Index];
      public bool MoveNext()
         if(g_Servers == null) { return false; }
         if (Index < g_Servers.Length) Index++;
         return (!(Index == g_Servers.Length));